About Us
A global organization with headquarters in Houston, Texas, the nation’s fourth-largest city, XCEL-STS is a comprehensive certification, consulting, and training company that offers Well Control Certifications, Introductory Drilling Industry Courses, and Construction & Work Area Safety Courses. XCEL-STS has a passion for encouraging and producing the next generation of leaders to advance tomorrow’s thinking.
Apply to XCELSTSXCEL-STS Technology
XCEL-STS has the latest and greatest technology that makes learning a unique and truly special experience. Our agency partnerships with 'DrillingSTS', allows XCEL-STS to offer a virtual simulation that is unmatched in Well Control Certification and Drilling Industry Training. Discover what makes XCEL-STS so unconventional.
A Brief XCEL History
Businessman, Kevin A. Braggs chartered the XCEL Safety Training Solutions program for the Advancement of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) where he curated and founded the next generation of professionals.